Challenge/utfordringer part 2


1.Make shopping list: 08.05.2023.

Doing something as simple as making a shopping list is challenging. This is because I forget to write the actual shopping list before I go to the store, and I am often hungry when I go shopping. It leads to a shopping basket that cannot exactly be called the healthiest team. The goal is to make a shopping list every other week, I think that's the best for me. Then I finally got around to writing a shopping list for 18.05.2023, here is the shopping list for week 1


- Rice

- Potatoes

- Vegetable bag

- Carrot/turnip.

- Bananas.

- Radish.

- Cucumber.

- Some green salad.

- Order: Cured ham.

- Other: Tomato soup *2
- Salmon fillet 2 pcs.

- Steak 1 pc.

- Fish gratin.

- Lasagna fjordland.

- Lean sausages.

- Rice

- Potatoes


- Vegetable bag

- Carrot/turnip.

- Bananas.

- Radish.

- Cucumber.

- Some green salad.

- Order: Cured ham. 

2. Roadtrip Alone 24. 05. 2023 

The roadtrip started from my hometown, Hallingby in Norway to Gothenburg in Sweden. This was a unique, educational, fun and challenging trip. Lost my way countless times, but finally figured it out. Was at both the flight museum, amusement park and science museum. Lived by the airport and by the shopping centre. Then did a little shopping as well. If you want to read more about this, go to the post called Solo travel, Norway - Sweden here on the blog. 

3. Fotoshoot alone 27.05.2023 

Had a camera stand where I attached my mobile phone. Then took pictures of myself on the trip. It was a little small and strange to do it alone, but also a little fun. The pictures didn't turn out so well either, but it was fun to do it. Tested the camera stand and the quality of the images on the mobile phone.