Japan day 5 Mount Fuji, guesthouse, bonfire.



- Hakone

- Mt Fuji

Time to change hotels. Romance car to the mountain town of Hakone. On the train we had permanent seating and I had bought what I thought was a salad at familymart, but it turned out to be some kind of salad with lots of noodles and sauce on the bottom. Was okay. 

The next hotel was Gora Gaku guesthouse, where we met a guide and owner of this guesthouse. We put the things in the rooms we were allocated, here I shared with two other girls and relaxed a bit. Some of us played jenga and uno together before getting ready to go see Mt Fuji. Here I shared a room with Helena and Sarah, as you can see in the picture below where we are standing on our balcony. 

We took a train up the mountain, before changing to a gondola with transparent walls so you could see out. Fantastic view and plenty of room for several of the group. 

At the top we went to the viewpoint to see Mt Fuji. Here you should be able to see Mount Fuji, but it was foggy so we didn't get to see the top of the mountain this day. But there were shops at the top at the viewpoint so it was possible to buy various souvenirs, here I bought a fan and some magnets among other things. You could buy ice cream that consisted only of chocolate, and you could buy black eggs. It is said that if you eat the black egg, you live 7 years longer. 

A little about Fuji - san (Mt Fuji). Fuji-san, Mount Fuji or simply Fuji, (富士山), also known outside of Japan as Fujiyama, is the highest mountain in Japan. It measures 3,776 meters. The entire mountain is a large active volcano that has had several eruptions. Read more about this here https://no.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fuji-san 

When we got back we played some games and relaxed in the room, before the whole gang ate hotpot together in the living room. The guide and the owner at the guest house showed us what a traditional Japanese Family Nabe dinner was. Was very cozy. Then we gathered on the roof where we played a music game. Everyone had to put in a song they were embarrassed they were listening to, then everyone had to guess which person the song belonged to. Since we sat there until the evening meal, we lit a fire, as it was getting a little cooler. After the singing performance, we chatted, drank some alcohol/soda and/or water and ate some sweets that I had brought with me from Norway. Well, not many people like salty licorice, so to speak, but it was fine with me because it's my favorite. Had candy cars and good and blended candy too, wich has some lickorice but lemon, rasberry, etc. Everything came out well except the licorice. 

All in all, a great day with great views, souvenirs, shopping, nice people, games, bonfires, etc. Unfortunately, we didn't get to set the mountain top, which was what we went there for, but we did get to set it another day, so it went well.