Newly started company: ØDEGAARDS REISEROGLIVET


Hello everyone!

Now I'm going to tell you about something I've been working on for 6 months. Started from going on a trip and writing on this blog here, to sharing posts about the various trips and my life on social media. Until now, where I have managed to create a digital business. 

Take a look!

About the company: This is a digital company, that means that I sell digital products online. Including e-books, templates and courses. About travel and life. Will also make a few physical products, here there will most likely be books on how to arrange and book a trip, a template you can enter for travel and much more.

In the longer term, I might be thinking of offering 1 to 1 conversations where people can get travel suggestions for a trip they want to go on or guided tours to a specific destination.

I have created an ENK, i.e. a sole proprietorship, and have bought a domain for this company. I have also made products from scratch, from my own experience and what I think is important that you need and be able to. The name Ødegaards Reiseroglivet comes from my surname, as well as this blog here. A good combination and is about the kind of products I want to make. In other words, travel products and a bit about life in general.

As of now, I already have 2 products for sale: Go to these links if you want to read more about the product, and if you want to buy it: (Only Norwegian products for now, will make English ones in addition to the Norwegian ones eventually, it just takes time).

1. Suggestions, tips and tricks for an Interrail trip: (199 NOK)  Feel free to click on this link and read more about what this product is and is about. If you buy the product, I appreciate your feedback. Remember it is in Norwegian

In the pictures above here are some sneak peaks of the product tips and tricks for an Interrail tour in Europe.

2. Ultimate Bingo board (Not for the faint of heart, as many are extreme and take time to complete): (99 NOK)  Feel free to click on this link and read more about what this product is and is about. If you buy the product, I appreciate your feedback. (Remember it is just in Norwegian for now, I will make a new post when it comes in english)

In the picture above you can see a sneak peak of the product Ultimate Travel Challenges as a Bingo board

If you are interested in following my newsletter, or just want to see what I'm up to. Then you can download my free product "5 tips for daring and traveling alone" I have this in both Norwegian and English. After signing up for the newsletter, you will have the product sent to you by email. I think it's very good. About how you can manage to travel alone, even with anxiety, as this is something I have experienced myself:  Click on this link to download the free product. (This is in English)

If you have any further questions, please send me an email: If you go to the website and look, you can go to contacts/contacts. It says my number, or my email address. Please send a message as I am not very good at answering the phone. Mail is also very nice, as I check it often. My email address is Or you can send me a PM on Facebook at Elise Ødegaard, or my website on Facebook: Ødegaards Reiseroglivet

Thank you so much for reading and watching. Hope you like the website and the products! :)