Roadtrip with my dog in Norway


In the picture you see Gizmo and me after a walk where it is warm.

This is Gizmo's first road trip and the longest he has ever traveled. It is exciting.

Since I haven't slept in a tent since I was a kid, I needed a little refresher on how to set up a tent, use a gas burner and how to get this in and out of the little bags that held the tent and sleeping bag together.

Started by setting this up in the garden, with a little help from mum and dad before I did it myself. Went easier than expected.

The hard part was packing up the equipment I needed, as we ended up bringing way too much stuff.

1. Camping table and camping chair.

2. Bucket and garbage bags.

3. Bag with clothes: Winter clothes, summer clothes, swimwear, underwear.

4. Toiletry folder with toothpaste and toothbrush for both. Nail clippers and hair brush. Tweezers and tick remover.

5. Shampoo and conditioner for me, and special ones for Gizmo (the dog).

6. Seat belt, car belth, poo bags, treats, dog food.

7. 10L jug with water, soft drinks, sweets. Travel bags with food that you can fill up.

8. Sandals and sneakers.

9. Phone, phone charger, PC, PC - charger, power bank and charger for it.

10. Bowl for Gizmo and some extra boxes to keep food in.

11. Both winter and summer clothes as it is colder in the mountains even though it is summer.

(Will be a separate packing list when we get home, as we have to look over and clean everything out)

Packed everything into the car. Said gooddbye to my mom, dad and sister before we drove off. First stop grocery store for some polar bread and shortbread with some toppings. Then we got ready to drive over Valdres.

It is exiting!