Roadtrip with my dog in Norway. Day 4, 5 Valdresfjellet (the mountain)


After seeing and driving over the Atlanterhavsveien, we choose to drive over Valdresfjellet, where we will spend the night.

To get to this particular rest area, we drove back and forth and back and forth. There were cars parked everywhere, so it was difficult to find one where we were alone. But we finally found it <3

Damn the pig it is SO COLD!!! Much colder than the first day on the mointain. I was wearing merino wool, regular trousers and jumper, sleeping bag, blanket over and under me. Gizmo had a wool blanket under him, and a regular blanket over him. It was still incredibly cold! We got to sleep for a few hours each, in any case, when I woke up I had all the blankets on me, the one over Gizmo too, so he was freezing poor thing. Then he put on a blanket, he wanted to cuddle first, then lay under my blankets with me, and then we fell asleep like that too.

Gizmo was very tired so he slept a little extra in his own bed with his blanket over him too. It is difficult to sleep well when we are in new and unfamiliar places.

In the morning, we continue our trip, after going for a walk of course and eating breakfast. We googled  accommodation for a few hours before we found one... (Coming in the next post)